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Product Details
Dimensions: W: 14 x D: 13 x H: 58 cm
Wayang Golek character: Durga
Durga, exalted as the goddess of the death realm Setragandamayit, she rules alongside her husband, Batara Kala, the ruler of time. As Durga, she is the amiable daughter of Batara Guru (Siwa) and Dewi Uma. In the earliest times, when her beauty was unmatched and her name was still Dewi Uma or Dewi Umayi, she fulfilled the role of the beloved of Batara Guru.
Purwa puppet, made by Sundanese puppet carver Abah Suwandi
Set from the 1980s
Material: wood, fabric
Origin: Salimah, Bogor (Java, Indonesia)
SKU WG_0318
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